Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Okay, so remember when I posted waaay back and mentioned that my furoshiki design was going to be in print?

Well, I finally got around to getting photos of the actual printed work! Before I received these in the mail, I was just expecting tiny little swatches with my work printed on them, all thrown together in a box - but I was very pleasantly proven wrong!

While having a much needed Skype date with friend and blogger Sara Pace, the doorbell rang. I ran downstairs to find myself face to face with a GIANT cardboard package. I opened it up to find 25 of these wonderfully packaged and printed pieces.

Each one was wrapped this way. So cute and delicate!

Taken after the box was opened up - Goodies!

I was so delighted to see each one of these packaged in such an elegant manner. Every box included a printed band/wrap, and additional papers that somehow featured the artwork (pardon the blurry photos... the best camera that I have on me currently is my phone). 

Instructions! If you ever need two bottles of wine wrapped with a foxy fabric, this lady has got you covered. 
Featured: Sushi pillow!

This little booklet features the title, my name, and my artist's statement for the piece, in both English and Japanese ... and a few little spelling errors. They're adorable in their own way, though.

It was a lot bigger than I was expecting! And by some wonderful chance, it matches my living room.

Meticulous folding. I felt bad unwrapping it...

Now I will never be able to fold it back up ever, ever again. Ah well. I'm still so happy about the results. It's so exciting to see something like this successfully put onto a fabric, and in a package design. 

Now that I have finally posted this, the next step should be fixing up this blog with a pretty banner or something of the sort. I'm starting to cringe every time I look at the top of my own page. 

'Til then! 

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